How Soil Capital boosted farmers engagement by over 50% by leveraging Whatsapp with Kiosk

Soil Capital allows companies to pay for certified carbon improvements generated by partner farmers. Kiosk facilitated their most recent collection of farmers’ carbon data by allowing submission over WhatsApp, elevating the response rate among an audience that spends little time on computers.


messages delivered


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features used
Team Inbox

Soil Capital allows companies to pay for certified carbon improvements generated by partner farmers. Farmers get rewarded for the carbon they capture within soil, while businesses improve their environmental impact.


Regenerative agriculture


France, Belgium, UK


Soil Capital farmers are periodically required to submit data relating to their activity to accurately generate carbon certificates and get rewarded. However, using traditional channels like email and calls proved ineffective, since farmers are often outside, far from their computer.

They therefore needed a platform on which farmers could quickly and easily submit their data, that was compatible with their on-the-go lifestyle. The conversations also needed to be centralized for Soil Capital, with over 1200 farmer relationships to manage.


Improve the efficiency of collecting information from farmers

Take the first step in creating more personal and reactive relationships with farmers


Using Kiosk, Soil Capital was able to send out a bulk information request to all farmers on WhatsApp, enabling straightforward responses and personalized interactions.



messages delivered


read rate


of messages read in the first 20 minutes

High-quality feedback: Because Whatsapp is so interactive, Soil Capital gained valuable insights into the farmers’ experience with their product - some had login issues, didn’t understand the tool, etc.

Efficient communication: Farmers were able to send photos, documents, and voice messages to Soil Capital, creating seamless interactions

With just a few clicks, we connected with our farmers on WhatsApp, enhancing engagement in our acquisition and renewal process. The HubSpot integration made Kiosk a super easy and strong fit for our team 🚜

Thibaut Millet-Taunay

Head of Sales & Marketing

How they did it

1. Design the message

Kiosk made it easy to curate dynamic messages with custom variables including native WhatsApp CTAs to call or book a meeting with the farmers' personal Account Executives.

2. Configure the audience

Using Kiosk's campaign feature, Soil Capital sent the message individually to over 700 farmers in one click. Thanks to integration with HubSpot, they were able to easily leverage their segmented lists to reach the perfect audience.

3. Schedule for a strategic time

When you send a campaign to hundreds of recipients, timing can make a huge difference. Using Kiosk, Soil Capital was able to program the campaign early in the morning, so farmers weren't already at work.

4. Engage with farmers

Kiosk’s team inbox allowed the entire Soil Capital team to communicate with farmers. They assigned conversations to relevant team members and had one-on-one interactions to stay close with their users and collect feedback.

Next steps

Moving forward, Kiosk will help Soil Capital to:

Qualify new leads: leverage flows and integrate WhatsApp entry point on their website

Supercharge user support: establish WhatsApp as the go-to channel for 1-1 interactions between farmers and account managers/IT

Keep farmers engaged: send updates and bulk notifications to farmers regarding their progress in the soil capital program