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What is WhatsApp marketing and should you do it?

Traditional communication channels are oversaturated. WhatsApp marketing stands out as a forward-thinking option for customer-centric companies.

Kiosk CEO - Paul Lafforgue - Expert in WhatsApp Marketing
Paul Lafforgue

Co-founder & CEO @Kiosk

Kiosk - What is WhatsApp marketing and should you do it?

Traditional communication channels are oversaturated. WhatsApp marketing stands out as a forward-thinking option for customer-centric companies.

With over 2 billion people already using the app daily, WhatsApp is on the brink of becoming what email was 20 years ago: a revolutionary tool for brands to connect with their audiences in a meaningful way. As we stand at this digital crossroads, companies have the unique opportunity to position themselves as early adopters of what promises to be the next big innovation in customer communication.

What is WhatsApp Marketing?

WhatsApp marketing is the strategic use of one of the world's most popular messaging apps to forge stronger, more personal connections with customers. It is a channel that is being increasingly used by businesses for promotional purposes, sending their audiences personalized messages based on their behavior, campaigns, product updates, and more. WhatsApp marketing can be integrated into an existing marketing strategy, sitting alongside other channels, but it is increasingly replacing strategies like SMS marketing.

Why WhatsApp and not another messaging platform?

Messaging dominance: WhatsApp reigns as the leading messaging service globally, engaging over 2 billion users every month and facilitating the exchange of up to 100 billion messages each day.
Commitment to privacy: Unique in its offering, WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption ensuring that messages are readable solely by the intended recipient, establishing a privacy standard that even WhatsApp cannot breach.
Direct to customer: Setting itself apart from other services like Facebook Messenger and Instagram, WhatsApp delivers messages straight to your customers' phone numbers, with more people setting up instant notifications.

The strategic advantages of WhatsApp marketing

A seamless buying experience is critical for converting interest into action. Complexity or inconvenience at any point in the purchase process can deter customers. By leveraging WhatsApp marketing to streamline these interactions, you reduce friction and make it easier for the customer to move forward with their purchase.

1. High open rates

WhatsApp marketing capitalizes on the app's ubiquity in daily life, leading to open rates of around 90%. The platform's convenience and the concise nature of the messages ensure that your marketing efforts are not only seen but also acted upon. This high visibility is crucial in a digital landscape where attention is scarce and highly coveted.

2. Low effort, high reward

The familiarity and ease of use of WhatsApp mean businesses can seamlessly integrate into customers' daily routines without significant effort. Setting up a marketing campaign on WhatsApp on channels like Kiosk is quick and straightforward, aligning with the platform's user-friendly ethos. This low-barrier entry makes WhatsApp an attractive option for businesses seeking efficient ways to engage with their audience.

3. Strong customer loyalty

WhatsApp's personal messaging environment fosters strong customer loyalty. Personalized messages, timely discounts, and relevant product news delivered in a short, engaging format enhance customer satisfaction and retention. This direct communication channel simplifies re-engaging customers, making it a potent tool for maintaining long-term relationships.

4. Narrow segmentation

Through interactions and opt-in processes on WhatsApp, businesses gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior. This information allows for the creation of highly targeted campaigns, ensuring messages reach those most interested. Such narrow segmentation enhances the relevance and effectiveness of marketing efforts, driving better outcomes.

5. High ROI

The effort required to launch a marketing campaign on WhatsApp is relatively low compared to the potential revenue it can generate. This efficiency results in a high return on investment, making WhatsApp an economically attractive channel for businesses focused on maximizing their marketing spend.

6. Immediate feedback loop

WhatsApp marketing enables an immediate feedback loop between businesses and their customers. This rapid exchange allows companies to quickly gauge reactions to new products, promotional offers, or campaigns, making adjustments in real-time based on customer responses. This agility is invaluable for staying relevant and responsive to market needs.

7. Enhanced customer support

Integrating customer service with WhatsApp marketing efforts can significantly boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. Providing support, addressing inquiries, and resolving issues through the same platform used for marketing creates a seamless experience for customers. This integration can elevate the overall perception of a brand, encouraging positive word-of-mouth and repeat business.

8. Rich media messaging

WhatsApp supports the sending of rich media, including images, videos, documents, and voice messages. This capability allows businesses to create more engaging and informative content, far beyond what's possible with traditional SMS marketing. Rich media can enhance storytelling, product showcases, and promotions, leading to higher engagement rates and a more dynamic interaction with customers.

9. Global reach with localized messaging

With its widespread international use, WhatsApp marketing provides a global reach while allowing for localized messaging strategies. Businesses can tailor their communications to reflect local languages, cultural nuances, and market-specific offers, ensuring relevance and resonating with diverse audiences across different geographical locations.


For forward-thinking businesses, WhatsApp marketing is a no-brainer to try out. Using WhatsApp as a communication channel with customers is growing day by day, but it’s not the norm yet. Today it’s a chance for customer-centric brands to get ahead of the curve and position themselves as an early adopter.

If you still have questions about WhatsApp marketing, we'd be happy to answer them for you. Get in touch with us here, and if you like, we can give you a demo of Kiosk.

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